Create Recalls While Watching Videos on YouTube, Coursera, and Udemy
Create linked spaced-repetition flashcards while watching videos on YouTube, Coursera, and Udemy
We just took the iDoRecall Webclipper to new heights. With version 1.0.4, you can watch videos on YouTube, Udemy, and Coursera and create recalls linked to the time code where you paused to draft the recall. When doing your memory retrieval practice, if you struggle to recall the answer, in one click, we'll open the source video in a new browser tab at the proper time code so that you can refresh your memory in the context where you learned it.
Bonus Convenience Feature– On YouTube and Coursera, when you click to create a recall, the recall creation form will open with the last 15-ish seconds of the transcript pre-filled in the answer field. You can use the text as-is, edit, or delete it.
As always, the iDoRecall Webclipper enables you to create recalls that link to any text you highlight or screenshots you take on web pages. When you practice memory retrieval with those recalls, you are always a click away from reviewing the source page, automatically scrolling to the appropriate location.
Other related news– We recently added syntax highlighting to code pasted or typed into a recall. Select the code and click to apply proper syntax highlighting for a multitude of programming languages. We also added this feature to the new version of the Webclipper.

If you are a current user of the Webclipper, you can get the new version by either restarting your browser or by removing and re-adding the extension. It's only available for Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Brave, and Opera.
If you are new to iDoRecall, go to https://app.idorecall.com/profile/integrations to add the Webclipper to your browser. Log into this extension for the first time using your iDoRecall credentials. You can find it in the Chrome Web Store.
We recommend that you pin the Webclipper icon to your browser bar to quickly turn it on and off for any domain you wish to use or stop using it.
Troubleshooting tip– Refresh the page if you experience any issues, such as clicking the icon to activate the Webclipper. If you encounter anything else that doesn't work as expected, try refreshing the page, as this usually cures the problem.
Other unrelated news– If you've visited our website in the past few months, you will have noticed that we now offer comprehensive sets of recalls for most of the OpenStax college and high school textbooks. You can use these recall sets for free, even with one of our free accounts. Soon we will offer a directory of public iDoRecall groups where anyone can join and potentially collaborate on learning a subject of common interest.
Call for creators– If you are interested in creating a public iDoRecall group with linked recalls to any video course on YouTube, please let us know, and we'll help get you going. This is a great way to build your own audience and show off your expertise.

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iDR leverages the proven cognitive science principles that helped me succeed when I was in medical school, but that weren’t possible when I was a student. I invite you to try the free version of iDoRecall and experience how you can remember everything that your learn.
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iDR leverages the proven cognitive science principles that helped me succeed when I was in medical school, but that weren’t possible when I was a student. I invite you to try the free version of iDoRecall and experience how you can remember everything that your learn.
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